Tuesday, September 27, 2011

i'm going to hash it out

Alright so this is 'post' is really a conversation that i want to have with T. Alright T, please feel free to add to this list as you see fit, you've done this i haven't and you might see things that i dont.

i want to make a list of the things i need to get done before the move. This list is going to grow a lot, i'm sure, before it shrinks. But i want to get it all down so i can fully take it all in and get it done.

  1. How i'm going to Move- i think PODs or something like that is going to be the easiest.
  2. car insurance
  3. phone bill
  4. letter of resignation
  5. Sort out shares
  6. Update Resume
  7. thank you notes
  8. Inventory Management system
  9. Warranty System
  10. RMA system
  11. Full outsource of Manufacturing
  12. Changing Address (Credit card, Bank, etc)
Alright.. i know there is more but its not coming to me now, so i'll add on as it does.

T!!! please let me know if you see anything that needs to be added. i'm going to research some of the $$ things out first (#2,3,&12)

then back to work projects (end of quarter has everyone concentrating on their projects so they can't approve mine). I'll get them lines up so that Approval will just be a few days of meetings :) [i'm day dreaming but its what i can do!]

alright love, give me your thoughts.


  1. Well, if we're listing them, then we should probably list them chronologically.

    1. Work
    a. Inventory Management System
    b. Warranty System
    c. RMA System
    d. Full Outsource of Manufacturing
    2. Letter of Resignation
    3. Sort Out Shares
    4. Thank You Notes
    5. Update Resume
    6. Move
    a. Order What's Needed Online & Ship to T's
    b. Pack Up Everything
    c. Load PODS (Quote: $2,000) or UHAUL (Quote: $1,102)
    d. Car Ride to Wisconsin (Estimated at $150 for gas)
    e. Change Address
    i. USPS
    ii. Credit Card
    iii. Cell Phone Carrier
    7. Settle In
    a. Change Bank
    b. Change Car Insurance
    c. Register Car in WI

    Really #3-#6 can be done as soon as you hand in your resignation. #1 is the big one. #7 can all be handled once you are here.

    Changing services or addresses shouldn't cost anything. Who is your cell phone carrier? You probably can keep the same that you have, unless it's T-Mobile. Car insurance will probably be around $100 or so a month.

    Have I helped at all? lol

  2. You've been WAY Helpful!

    i'm going to repost your list so i can check it off as i go. i think i will move #3 up to a sub of #1, rather get that done before i leave.

    Once i get #1 done, all i have to do is wait for stevie to come home :) and that gives me time to day dream!

    I probably won't be able to post details on the work front but i'm going to try and check them off quickly. I have Verizon :)

    let me know if you think of anything else
