Wednesday, September 28, 2011

being weird

I was thinking today. My parents are a bit off par... they take milk jugs, cut off the tops and use them as compost containers. They barely ever wear under garments. They are very free about human nature.. and bodily functions. They were hippies in the 60's and 70's and they are old hippies now. That is the other thing they are... old. They can't hear anything without repeating it at least twice (usually 3 or 4 times). They are slow, and very rarely finish their sentences (which only benefit is that it has made me good at reading their very specific minds- woohoo). Also, they forget nearly everything you tell them, even with e-mail reminders.

I have realized that they are very tiresome to live with. The question is that is this because they are weird or because they are old. I very much love the weirdness of my parents, though it gets annoying having fruit flies around the house because of the compost containers, and constantly seeing way more of the old bodies then i would like too.

my worry stems becuase i, like my parents am a bit off. Not in the same ways. But in the coming up with a crazy new idea of something i find 'fun' to do, doing things backward instead of forward and winging almost all the decisions i make. And the worry is that i like my parents will become tiresome to live with. That those around me will just have to graciously, or generously put up with my insane ideas rather then truly desire to jump with me. i worry about J, A & even T getting sick of me.

i really hope its just that they are old... because at least then we will all be old together.


  1. I cannot believe you lasted 24 years living with your parents. I couldn't last 18 years living with my mother. I love her now, but living with her is a whole other story.

    I can't promise that I won't get sick of you, but I am 99% sure I won't!

  2. lol thanks, The time away at college definitely helped. that was 4 years without them. these past (almost) 2 years have been hell though. I can't wait to get out there.
