Thursday, September 29, 2011


being in a long distance relationship is ... different. I've taken a page from my sister Meg's book. i've decided to send J some packages.

He is having some problems with people in his group so i was going send him a Trick package. Including some of the following:

  • fake parking tickets
  • itch powder
  • whoopee cushion
  • bug gum
  • exploding pen
  • rick exhaust whistle
  • rubber chicken
  • belching powder

Then i thought i would send a treat package, with some of his favorite candy :)

Then i will be working on his Halloween costume! :) He doesn't like getting dressed up, so I'm coming up with something subtle. I was originally planning on being something that mirrored him but now i can be something complete different. T... any ideas??

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

being weird

I was thinking today. My parents are a bit off par... they take milk jugs, cut off the tops and use them as compost containers. They barely ever wear under garments. They are very free about human nature.. and bodily functions. They were hippies in the 60's and 70's and they are old hippies now. That is the other thing they are... old. They can't hear anything without repeating it at least twice (usually 3 or 4 times). They are slow, and very rarely finish their sentences (which only benefit is that it has made me good at reading their very specific minds- woohoo). Also, they forget nearly everything you tell them, even with e-mail reminders.

I have realized that they are very tiresome to live with. The question is that is this because they are weird or because they are old. I very much love the weirdness of my parents, though it gets annoying having fruit flies around the house because of the compost containers, and constantly seeing way more of the old bodies then i would like too.

my worry stems becuase i, like my parents am a bit off. Not in the same ways. But in the coming up with a crazy new idea of something i find 'fun' to do, doing things backward instead of forward and winging almost all the decisions i make. And the worry is that i like my parents will become tiresome to live with. That those around me will just have to graciously, or generously put up with my insane ideas rather then truly desire to jump with me. i worry about J, A & even T getting sick of me.

i really hope its just that they are old... because at least then we will all be old together.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

i'm going to hash it out

Alright so this is 'post' is really a conversation that i want to have with T. Alright T, please feel free to add to this list as you see fit, you've done this i haven't and you might see things that i dont.

i want to make a list of the things i need to get done before the move. This list is going to grow a lot, i'm sure, before it shrinks. But i want to get it all down so i can fully take it all in and get it done.

  1. How i'm going to Move- i think PODs or something like that is going to be the easiest.
  2. car insurance
  3. phone bill
  4. letter of resignation
  5. Sort out shares
  6. Update Resume
  7. thank you notes
  8. Inventory Management system
  9. Warranty System
  10. RMA system
  11. Full outsource of Manufacturing
  12. Changing Address (Credit card, Bank, etc)
Alright.. i know there is more but its not coming to me now, so i'll add on as it does.

T!!! please let me know if you see anything that needs to be added. i'm going to research some of the $$ things out first (#2,3,&12)

then back to work projects (end of quarter has everyone concentrating on their projects so they can't approve mine). I'll get them lines up so that Approval will just be a few days of meetings :) [i'm day dreaming but its what i can do!]

alright love, give me your thoughts.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Adams

My ability to blog has been speratic. I've had some really bad days in telling people i plan on moving and some really negative feed back from friends and family. However today there is a ray of hope.. or just a small nudge of encouragement i should say, and it came from an un-likely source. The Adams.

for small background M. Adams and my father worked together back in the 70's they had remained close and both of the adams have been like our second set of parents. They live about 20 minutes away, and our families have had dinner at least once a week for as long as i can remember.

My parents are down at Meg's this weekend getting ready for the arrival of baby J. So K. Adams called me yesterday and invited me over for dinner and a movie at their house tonight. I accepted and went to their house around 5pm. After perhaps 3 minutes of me being in the house, and 2 minutes of being settled with a drink in my hand, M. asked me "So when are you thinking of moving" i sighed.. he got defensive saying it wasn't criticism and i told him that my sigh was more regarded to my parents (because i had not told them that i was moving so clearly one of my parents spilled).

After another minute i answered and explained that my timeline is in flux, but that i was hoping for October... seeming less likely now. They asked a few more questions, about what i would do out there, about my aunt if she is still in the cooking business and if i could work with her, they asked if Kate was coming out with me, which i had to answer 'no' and they stated 'this isn't for a boy' which was the best part. They knew it wasn't, they didn't assume like everyone else.

They were happy for me, for taking a risk, for putting myself out there and for going after what would make me happy. K. later told me about this presentation she saw, about how "Life as a Dash" i asked if it refereed to what life would be life for a "-". She said its about how short life is, and how you have to seek after your passions and the things that make you happy.

it was the first encourage words i've received from NJ about this, and it honestly makes me feel relief


OK i've always wanted to make a dress that is strapless black and made of this fabric:

But i want it to rouch to one side... and has different size of these flowers flowing from the top to the waist and maybe a couple on bottom:

Also i'm bringing curtseying back. Who's with me??? (J already agreed he would start bowing :) what an awesome guy!)